How To Continue Humor Therapy At Home

One form of therapy that many people find to be effective is called humor therapy. Humor therapy is when the therapist helps you unlock that laughter that is within you. The goal is to temporarily increase your mood and reduce your stress levels during and right after the therapy and equip you with tools to reproduce these effects on your own. Here are some tips for continuing your humor therapy at home. Read More 

What Life Coaching Is, And What It Isn’t

People often bring up the differences between life coaching, consulting, mentoring, counseling, and therapy. There are many reasons why these things are nothing alike. You need to understand why life coaching isn't like anything else. What Life Coaching Is Life coaching is aimed at helping you reach a personal goal through creative thinking and solutions. The life or personal coach is a partner that helps you realize that you're the one capable of generating those creative thoughts, and that you're the one who can follow through to those solutions. Read More 

How To Help Your Child Lose Weight

If you want to help your overweight child to lose weight, it is best to start making small changes in their lifestyle. These small changes will make an impact on your child's overall health and will lead to weight loss overtime. Here are some small changes you can try that will make a big impact in the long run. Eat Together At The Table If your child is always eating on the go, then you need to set a time for them to eat at the family table daily. Read More