A Close Look At Psychotherapy And Insomnia For Sleepless And Struggling Patients

Tossing and turning, counting sheep, and even pacing the floors are not activities that you would hope your bedtime would be filled with. Unfortunately, this is the reality for a lot of people. In fact, the Sleep Health Foundation states that at least one out of every three people suffers with some level of insomnia. If you are a member of the sleepless crowd, chances are you will try just about anything to help you sleep--from taking over-the-counter medications to visiting your doctor for a prescription. Read More 

Tips For Getting Organized With Adult ADHD

As an adult with ADHD, organization may be one of the constant challenges that you face. Lack of organization can affect your job and your home life, so it is important that you find strategies that you can use to increase your organizational skills and motivation. The following are just a few tips that could help. Tip #1: Know your motivation Motivation is the key, since you are more likely to stay focused if you are highly motivated. Read More 

3 Effective Ways To Combat Depression Once And For All

It's perfectly normal to feel a little sad or down once in awhile. But continual feelings of despair, anger, or self-loathing can signal that you're dealing with a case of depression. While you can talk to your doctor about taking antidepressants to help combat your symptoms, it's important to figure out what you can do in your own personal life to relieve the stress and depression that you're feeling. Here are three effective ways to push depression out of your life once and for all: Read More 

3 Ways To Treat Gerascophobia

Aging is a lifelong process and something that everyone must experience. The average life expectancy for someone living in the United States is about 78 years old. Growing older is a problem for someone with gerascophobia. Gerascophobia is a persistent and abnormal fear of aging. A person with a mental health phobia experiences undue anxiety while being in good health. Here are three ways to treat someone with gerascophobia. Go Through Exposure Therapy Read More 

Medication Myths Debunked: Why Medication Can Help You Get Through Tough Times

If you have been told a number of times that you should consider medication to treat your mental health but you have been resistant, you are not alone. Many people believe that if they begin taking medication for mental health, they are giving in and not trying hard enough to overcome their symptoms. Medication used correctly is a tool that can help you get your life back, yet many people equate medication for mental health with weakness. Read More