Finding My Inner Peace

Why Is EMDR Therapy Effective For People With Trauma And Anxiety?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy is an effective way for mental health care professionals to assist people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The directed eye movements used during this type of therapy can encourage the brain to change the way it stores traumatic memories. These are some of the reasons that EMDR therapy is effective for people with trauma and anxiety: 1. EMDR therapy can prevent the symptoms of trauma from worsening over time. Read More 

Experiencing Mental Difficulties? Two Reasons To Schedule A Teletherapy Session

When other people view your life from the outside, it may appear that you have it all. You might have a wonderful family, a growing career, financial stability, and many other trinkets that signal you've made it in life. However, no matter how well things seem to be going there is always the chance that psychological issues can show up. Maybe you've recently been given more responsibility at work and find yourself stressed to the max. Read More 

Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of A Foster Care Program

The foster care system is a great way to help vulnerable children find the love, support, and stability they need. And as a foster parent, you can make a big difference in helping children and families succeed. Here are a few tips that could help make foster care even better. Become Familiar With the Foster Care Process Becoming familiar with foster care laws and regulations can help foster parents provide the best possible environment for foster children. Read More 

Mental Breakdown Triggers As A Member Of The LGBTQ Community

As a member of the LGBTQ community, it's not uncommon to face unique challenges that can lead to a mental breakdown. More often than not, people just tend to sweep these challenges under the rug and try to act like they don't exist. But the thing is, these challenges do exist, and they're real. Discover two of the main reasons why you might suffer a mental breakdown as an LGBTQ member. Read More 

ADHD And Women: What You Need To Know

ADHD is a mental health disorder that has to do with brain development and growth. ADHD causes problems with daily functioning and the completion of tasks. It can also cause confusion and frustration. For women, ADHD symptoms can be more difficult to nail down. Here is what women need to know about adult ADHD: How Are You Diagnosed With ADHD?  ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in children but can be diagnosed at any age once you recognize the symptoms. Read More